How to avoidance of CNC machine failure


How to avoidance of CNC machine failure

The automation of CNC machine tools is very high, with high precision, high efficiency and high adaptability, but its operating efficiency, equipment failure rate, length of service life, etc., to a large extent also depend on the correct use of users And maintenance. A good working environment, good users and maintainers will not only greatly extend trouble-free working time and increase productivity, but also reduce the wear of mechanical parts, avoid unnecessary errors, and greatly reduce the burden on maintenance personnel.

How to avoidance of CNC machine failure? You can refer to the following methods.

1. For machine tools that have been used for a long time, try not to turn off the machine during the long holiday, and you can take an emergency stop.

2. Regularly check the system fan, if it is contaminated with too much oil, it should be replaced or cleaned.

3. Regularly check the hydraulic oil pressure, liquid level and hydraulic impurities in the hydraulic system to ensure the smooth flow of the oil path.

4. Regularly clean or lubricate the switches, knife arm springs, hydraulic valve springs and other spring-equipped devices.

5. According to the oily contamination of the drive equipment, clean it regularly.

6. Regularly replace the system battery for the machine tool and replace the desiccant for the electrical cabinet of the machine tool, especially before the shutdown for a long holiday, this step must not be forgotten.

7. After the long holiday, before restarting, manually preheat each circuit board of the machine tool. You can use a hair dryer to heat each circuit board for a few minutes to a little bit of temperature.

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